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Emergency Declaration Regarding Precinct Reorganization and County Conventions

Due to ongoing health concerns with COVID-19, the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP) has released an Emergency Declaration Regarding Precinct Reorganization and County Conventions. This declaration describes how counties throughout South Carolina can conduct these two meetings.

The HCDP Executive Committee (EC) approved contactless meetings for both Precinct Reorganization and County Convention for 2022 at the January EC meeting. The HCDP officers and State Executive Committee representatives, per the Emergency Declaration, have determined there will only be contactless Precinct Reorganization and Horry County Convention for 2022.

Instead, precinct EC members will be nominated via an online Precinct Reorganization form, which will be created by SCDP. This form will also be used for any Horry County Democratic voter to sign up as a delegate for County and/or State Conventions.

Precinct EC officers will be elected at the contactless HCDP County Convention on March 19, 2022.

HCDP will soon be reaching out to all current precinct officers, and others who attended the 2020 Precinct Reorganization, to notify them of this year’s changes. HCDP encourages the current precinct President or EC to contact all active participants in their precincts, especially those who are new to the area or were not present at the last meeting, to let them know how to submit their name (self-nomination) for precinct EC office or indicate their interest in being a delegate for either convention.

The same online Precinct Reorganization form will also be used for the nomination of State EC’s and Alternates who will also be elected at the County Convention.

The online form will be made available on February 17. Although the form is managed by SCDP, HCDP requests that you complete a form showing your interest in being an EC and/or Delegate to County and State Conventions by midnight on March 5, 2022. This will allow sufficient time for SCDP to compile the information and send it back to HCDP before County Convention March 19.

HCPD will provide updates through the Newsletter and social media over the coming weeks with more details about the online form and County Convention.

If you have questions on requirements to hold a precinct office or to be a delegate to a convention, Contact HCDP, call the HCDP Office at (843)488-4237, or stop by the office at 311c Beaty St, Conway 29526.

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