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Gun Sense Action Committee at Galivants Ferry Stump

The Gun Sense Action Committee, with a booth at the Galivants Ferry Stump on Sept. 16, had a very successful presence at the event, reports committee chair Henry Garbelman.

“We utilized our new feather banner as well as our standard banner, had new business cards, handouts, and a sign-up sheet with our new logo,” he said. “In addition, we had new ‘I support gun sense’ buttons, which were available for a donation of $1.00.”

Noting that the Stump, which included four presidential candidates, was well supported with a large crowd, good press coverage and excellent speakers,” Garbelman said committee members working the booth were able to spread the word about the need for universal background checks and other gun sense actions.

“We spoke to a significant number of individuals who indicated their support for such actions,” reported Garbelman. “We were able to register 15 new members to the committee, and completely sold out of our buttons, while receiving over $31.00 dollars in donations for the committee.”

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