Horry County Democratic Party is delighted to announce that the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center in Little River will benefit from the 2nd Annual Senator Dick Elliott Memorial Golf Outing Saturday, June 29 at the award-winning Legends Golf Resort’s Parkland Course in Myrtle Beach.

Led by its director, Ron Wilson, a Vietnam veteran, and supported by an army of 20 dedicated volunteers, the Resource Center provides needed services to any honorably discharged veteran, including help with job placement, filing VA claims, assisting with financial difficulties, and shelter for those who are homeless. Learn more about the Center here and through its Facebook page.
“The Veterans Welcome Home Resource Center is an outstanding organization that is dedicated to serving those who have served our nation and now need help,” said HCDP Chair Don Kohn. “HCDP is proud and honored to be able to support our veterans by contributing to the Center.
By participating in HCDP’s golf outing, you can help support this worthy organization as a portion of our proceeds will be contributed to the Center.
It’s time now to register, Kohn stressed, noting that last year’s inaugural event was sold out with a lengthy wait list. The format will be a scramble, where everyone gets to tee off, then hit from the best ball, and then again.
As was the case last year, golfers will have an opportunity to win either a 2019 Corvette or Cadillac Escalade from Myrtle Beach Chevrolet Cadillac in a hole-in-one contest on one of the course’s par 3 holes thanks to the sponsorship of Anderson Insurance LLC, Little River.
Joining HCDP in hosting the Outing again this year are Elliott Realty and Eagle Nest Golf Club.
Meanwhile, Ron Wilson will be part of a foursome playing at the outing and sharing in the festivities.
A 23-year veteran of the Dearborn, MI police department, a professor of criminal justice for 32 years and an attorney since 1986, Wilson clearly has all of the background and experience to lead the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center. But it is more than that. Wilson is dedicated and determined to do his best on behalf of our nation’s veterans, succeeding Chris Tourtolette, the founder and first director of the Center who retired after 42 years of service.
“For me, it’s a payback,” Wilson explained. “I’ve been fortunate in what I’ve accomplished in my life with the help of a lot of people. I like to be able to share and do what I can to help.”
The Resource Center is housed in a four-bedroom house whose mortgage is free and clear with the help of a single donor. There are three single bedrooms, a suite with its own bathroom, a master bath, living room and kitchen and provides a welcoming place for homeless vets as they strive to get on their feet. It is called the “Hutton House,” named in honor of a dedicated veteran, Denny Hutton, who worked closely with Tourtolette in getting the home launched and then supporting it.
In addition, there is a converted 42-ft. storage unit that has been turned into an apartment to help an individual veteran who is working to save enough money to find his or her own place to live. It is called “The Rotary House,” because of help provided by the local Rotary Club.
Donations and strong community support from many other organizations, churches and local businesses make it possible for the Center to do its work on behalf of veterans. The ramp leading to the front door of The Rotary House was built as an Eagle Scout project, for example. Clothing for vets is provided by Goodwill and furniture by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in North Myrtle Beach. HCDP is proud to join in this overall community effort.
The Golf Outing Details
Early Bird registration fee of $240 will apply to foursomes that are registered and paid by June 1, 2019. The fee thereafter will be $260 per foursome ($65 per golfer), with a deadline for registration of June 15, 2019.
In addition to golf, the registration fee includes a breakfast buffet, a cart, two beverage tickets (iced tea, soda or draft beer) and the Awards Lunch. In addition, there will be Mulligans, prizes, 50/50s and a cash bar.
There are numerous sponsorship opportunities for individuals, companies and organizations, including:
- Hole Sponsorship – $100 – Includes one 18”x24” sign at tee box or green, recognition in program.
- Gold Sponsor – $2000 – Includes 1 foursome, 18”x24” sign at tee box and green, recognition in program.
- Silver Sponsor – $1000 – Includes 2 golfers, 18”x24” sign at tee box and green, recognition in program.
- Bronze Sponsor – $500 – Includes 1 golfer, 18”x24” sign at tee box and green, recognition in program.
- Raffle prize donations.
For those not golfing who would like to join us for the buffet breakfast and/or lunch, the price is $20 for one of those meals or $25 for both.
You can register and pay by mail. Just make checks payable to HCDP and mail with your registration to:
P.O. Box 51522
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Click here for registration form
Register online at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/hgolf2019 ($3 surcharge).