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HCDP Voter Protection Clinic Ready to Help

The threats against voting rights are real and are right here. The Horry County Democratic Party supports voters by answering your voting questions. Our Voter Protection Committee continues to follow changes at the state and local level. You can trust us to know all the latest voter news.

Have a question?

We want you to have answers. HCDP does not control our voting system, but we advocate for citizen and voter rights and share updates. We can help.

How does the Voter Protection Clinic work?

Our Clinic offers open phones and email responses to your questions. To speak to a clinic volunteer, call our office at (843)488-4237.

Hours: Tuesday 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm and Friday 11:00 am- 2:00 pm.

Click here to Contact Us! Complete the brief contact form including your question. Our volunteers will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24-48 hours.

Who runs the elections?

The Horry County Voter Registration and Elections (VR & E) Office is located at 1515 4th Avenue, Conway. This county department conducts all general and midterm elections. They are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for walk-in or phone questions, voter registration and, during election season, in-person absentee voting. Our Voter Protection Committee has a close liaison with staff there. Let us know how we can help. Be a full-time voter!

Municipal elections are important, too, and are overseen by Horry County VR & E, although the local town or city government appoints polling place workers.

Disinformation and False Information

You may have heard this one: “Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday.” Of course, both parties always vote on the same day. So, don’t get fooled by disinformation. Check your facts and check in at the clinic. We’re delighted to help!

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