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To The Point

Do Graham and Rice Support Domestic Violence?

Make no mistake. By refusing to support re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC-7) will be tacitly supporting domestic violence in a state where violence against women has reached epidemic proportions. How can they justify casting “No” votes on this crucial legislation? Is it simply…

Horry GOP: ‘We’re in dire need of reform’

The Horry County Republican Party is lacking effective leadership, faces internal divisions, and appears to be suffering from the effects of over-confidence that stems from historic political domination according to this recent article on the website. "Attendance at both membership and executive committee meetings began to decrease. The five standing committees directed by the HCGOP…

New Campaign Theme Announced by HCDP

By Bob Gatty In preparation for the critically important campaign through the 2020 election, the Horry Democratic Party has chosen “Take a Stand” as the theme that will be used for its advertising, marketing, voter registration, candidate support and fundraising initiatives. “We believe that ‘Take a Stand’ concisely and effectively expresses exactly what Horry County Democrats and…
To The Point

Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Priority: Re-Election, Not Healthcare

By V. Susan Hutchinson This week we learned that South Carolina’s longtime Republican senator, Lindsey O. Graham, discussed policy on the golf course with President Donald Trump. Since when is the federal government like a corporation where deals are made on a putting green followed by a few laughs in the club house? Since Trump became president,…

HCDP Chair Blasts Trump “Golf Whisperer” Lindsey Graham

If Horry County voters return Sen. Lindsey Graham to the U.S. Senate, most will be voting against their own interests and the interests of South Carolina. As President Trump’s chief apologist in the Senate – after viciously criticizing him in the 2016 Republican presidential primary – Graham now is a leading proponent of Trump administration policies…

The 7th District Economy in 2018

By Rick Patelunas U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) echoes the Trump Administration’s mantra that the 2018 economy was stronger than ever. Republican tax cuts and deregulation are supposedly unleashing a growing economy. To paraphrase from Rice’s taxpayer financed “District Update,” let’s look at results vs. the rhetoric. Nationally, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at 2.9 percent…