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Quick Checklist for Voting In-Person and Dropping Off Mail-In Ballots

HCDP has put together this checklist so every voter will be sure their vote gets counted for the 2020 General Election. Familiarizing yourself with the voting procedure in advance will help keep the lines moving and result in a less stressful voting experience.

A video is available on online for those unfamiliar with the new voting machines.

Verify your name and address are correct and print a sample ballot before voting in person by going to Your name and address on your photo ID must match the voter roll. Sample ballots can be printed and brought with you to vote.

Early in-person voting and mail-in ballot drop box locations are listed at the end of these instructions.

Report any issues or abnormalities you encounter during the voting process to SC Voter Protection at 1-855-785-0222.

In-Person Voting (Absentee or on Election Day)

The most important thing to remember is to be patient as there will be long lines for in-person voting through November 3.

– Bring a photo ID.

– Practice social distancing, wear a mask and bring your own pen to sign in.

– Blank ballots and cotton swabs will be handed to each voter for use on the machine.

  •  Verify the ballot is clean with no marks.
  •  Place the ballot into the machine by properly matching the edges. Do not jam the ballot into the machine! If it is positioned properly, it will pull the ballot in automatically.

– Use cotton swab to make selections on the touch screen.

  • Flip through all of the offices before voting to compare candidates to the printed sample ballot. Immediately report any discrepancies to a poll manager and do not cast your ballot until it is resolved.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to vote straight party or select individual candidates.
  • The ballots will be printed with your selections and ejected after the voter has completed all steps.

– Review the completed ballot carefully.

  • If there was no selection made for an office or if there was no Democratic candidate running when voting straight party, there will be no name on the ballot for that line.
  • If there are any discrepancies or errors on the completed ballot (e.g. there is a candidate listed that you did not vote for, a candidate name you selected is missing, the ballot did not print properly or is unreadable), contact the poll manager immediately.
  • Report any discrepant ballots, whether they were fixed or not, to the voter protection hotline 1-855-785-0222, if possible before leaving the polling location.

– Once the completed ballot has been reviewed and is acceptable to the voter, properly place it in the scanner to be counted.

– Pick up your I Voted sticker and wear it proudly!

Returning Mail-In Absentee Ballots

Mail-in ballot packets are already being sent out to voters who submitted requests. If you do not get your ballot packet by October 19, call or stop by the Voter Registration Office at 1515 4th Ave, Conway, (843) 915-5440.

HCDP recommends that completed mail-in ballots be returned by drop box to ensure they are received at Voter Registration by 7pm November 3. There are drop boxes, staffed by poll workers, at all four in-person absentee voting locations in Horry County. See below for the list of locations.

Remember that mail-in absentee ballots cannot be returned at your polling place on election day! Mail-in absentee ballots can only be returned on election day to the Voter Registration Office in Conway before 7pm.

– Complete the ballot and place it in the ballot envelope. Seal the envelope.

– Place the sealed ballot envelope in the pre-paid return envelope.

– Sign the back of the return envelope and include a witness signature along with the date.

  • Anyone can witness your signature; it does not have to be notarized.
  • Envelopes without the witness signature mean the ballot will not be counted!

– Complete the yellow Authorization to Return Absentee Ballot form, included in the ballot packet sent from Voter Registration, if you will be asking someone else to return your ballot.

– Go to one of the four drop boxes and drop your ballot in the box according to the directions of the poll worker who will be at the drop box.

– When returning a ballot packet for someone else, bring a photo ID and the completed Authorization to Return Absentee Ballot form. The poll worker staffing the drop box will check your photo ID and collect the form before you can drop the ballot into the box. Each ballot dropped off by someone other than the voter requires a form.

In-Person Absentee/Drop Box Locations and Opening Hours

In-person absentee voting ends November 2 at close of business at each location listed below. Only the Voter Registration Office in Conway will be open on election day November 3 for mail-in ballot drop off.

Voter Registration Office

1515 4th Avenue, Conway

Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm; Saturday 10/24 and 10/31 9am to 1pm

Satellite location hours are Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm.

North Strand Recreation Center

120 State Hwy 57 S., Little River

South Strand Recreation Center

9650 Scipio Lane, Myrtle Beach

Carolina Forest Library

2250 Carolina Forest Blvd, Myrtle Beach

HCDP hopes you find this information useful and thanks you for your support.

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