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Republican Scare Tactics

By V. Susan Hutchinson

The South Carolina Republican Party is now actively jumping on the Donald Trump bandwagon claiming violent, radical liberals are wreaking havoc across the county. And now, they claim, the violence has come to South Carolina and is aimed solely at Republicans.

According to a newsletter they sent this week, they tell their fellow Republicans: “We hate to tell you this: but a cowardly, radical, vandal shot a bullet into our Lancaster County GOP office on Sunday night.” The link takes you to their Facebook page where you can leave comments.

Democrats are encouraged to leave a comment.

According to them, a bullet came through the front window of their office and, miraculously, landed just inches from the window. In a corner. To the left of where it came through. Anyone who has watched true crime TV knows that bullets don’t just drop in mid-air after coming through a window. And they definitely don’t find their way to a corner next to that same window. There is no surveillance photo or video of the “shooter”; just the assumption that it had to be a “radical”.

Something, as they say, is rotten in Denmark.

The Republicans are the Real Victims in America

The SCGOP continues their “scare” tactics by claiming “In Spartanburg County, Trump and Graham signs were stolen, cut and vandalized after the news of Justice Ginsburg’s passing.” How on earth does the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg relate to increased vandalism of campaign signs? That’s a real head scratcher.

It should be noted that the internet is full of images and videos of Trump supporters stealing and defacing Biden/Harris signs, not to mention appalling memes and gifs on social media that are not only disrespectful, but graphic and disgusting.

But by all means, Republicans, whine about Trump and Graham signs being stolen and vandalized. They probably want the death penalty for anyone stealing one of their precious campaign signs.

The newsletter concludes with this statement:

Republican Parties across the country are being attacked and state chairmen and party staff are even receiving death threats. Mob like violence is spreading, and the radical Left is letting it happen.

These claims, just like everything Trump says, are pulled out their ears with the intent of scaring Republican voters. Show us the police reports of Republican Parties being attacked and the death threats. Show us the “spreading” mob violence across South Carolina. An internet search only comes up with reports of violence from May 2020 in Charleston and Columbia after the death of George Floyd. If this widespread violence is indeed happening across the state, and country, now why isn’t it being reported?

Because it is all fake to scare their voters into thinking the Democrats thrive on anarchy and violence. Be afraid fellow Republicans, be very afraid. The evil is coming for you.

The Reality, Not the Republican Version of It

Here is what is really happening. People like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who continues to fight the good fight against the rapid spread of the coronavirus across America, receive death threats because Donald Trump wants people to believe there is no danger from this virus even as the death toll passed 200,000 and continues to climb.

Donald Trump and Bill Barr want to withhold federal funds to American cities, such as New York, Portland OR and Seattle saying they are “anarchist jurisdictions” while still claiming Joe Biden wants to defund the police. State and local governments use several sources for expenditures, one of these being federal grants. These expenditures include funding education, hospitals, infrastructure, public welfare programs and police departments.

Trump and Barr are the ones who want to defund police by withholding federal funds. And they won’t stop with just these three cities once they get started.

Lawlessness is in the Eye of the Beholder

The SCGOP goal is “Electing Republican leaders who support law and order, DEFEND our police officers, and condemn this lawlessness is absolutely critical.”

They mean lawlessness not caused by extremist domestic terrorist organizations that support Donald Trump, of course. Like when they claim they are being attacked by “radicals”.

Their idea of justice is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wanting to waive liability if someone drives their car into a peaceful protest and kills someone. The most well-known case is James Alex Fields, who was part of a white nationalist rally and he did it with the intent to kill or injure as many anti-racism protestors as possible.

Would Florida still waive liability if a “liberal” deliberately drove their car into a white nationalist rally? We will never know because liberals and Democrats would not stoop to such a level.

They applaud Donald Trump’s support of Kyle Rittenhouse who murdered two protestors in Kenosha, WI. They cheer Trump’s use of federal officials to tear gas peaceful protestors for a photo op in front of a church.

Violence in the name of Trump is good for America. But Joe Biden, who says, “I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right,” is considered the devil incarnate by the GOP.

Here’s the key difference between the GOP and the Democratic Party. Democrats want all violence to end and anyone committing a criminal act to face justice for their actions. Even if that person is a Democratic supporter.

Unity, not divineness should be the goal of the GOP too. Unfortunately, they are all in with Donald Trump who wants to continue to let thousands of Americans die, including Republicans, from a virus he doesn’t want to control, spreads conspiracy theories about the Democrats being fascists and who vocally supports violence against the media and those exercising their first amendment rights.

Donald Trump wants to keep the fear level for Republicans at fever pitch hoping it will win him re-election. Democrats don’t fear the violence as much as they fear four more years of his continued attempts to tear the country apart and strip away rights for which many Americans have fought and died.

It’s past time for America to become what it always should have been; a country where all men, women, African Americans, Native Americans, LGBTQ, Latinos, immigrants and asylum seekers are equal under the law. Including the President of the United States, who should never, ever be above the law and should be held accountable for his actions.

Kick out the GOP November 3 so we can start moving toward this goal. It’s what The Notorious RBG would want us to do.

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