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Republicans’ New Math: The Disappearing Tax Refunds

by David Higham.

As middle and working class people sit down to do their taxes, they see that President Trump’s promises are just fairy-tales. Their refunds are smaller than usual, or worse, they owe the IRS more money.

With anger building, there is another local guy we can blame. Our own Congressman, Tom Rice. He helped write the new tax laws as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. When the committee debated Trump’s Tax Bill one year ago, Rice had more than a dozen opportunities to make it fairer to the middle class and to working people.

Each time RICE VOTED NO. Here are a few examples:

Amendment to. H.R. 1 to expand the Child Tax Credit. Rice votes NO and helps defeat the amendment.

Amendment to. H.R. 1 to retain the full medical expense deduction. Rice votes NO and helps defeat the amendment.

Amendment to. H.R. 1 to allow a tax credit to renters whose housing costs exceed 30% of their income. Rice votes NO and helps defeat the amendment.

This list can go on. A dozen and more times Rice and his Republican colleagues on the committee voted to defeat efforts to make our tax code fairer to working people. More than a dozen times just on this Bill alone.

Alert to Horry County middle- and working-class taxpayers! Tom Rice is not your friend! Want proof? Look at your 1040s. Math doesn’t lie. But Trump and Rice will do anything except tell you the truth.

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