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Vote NO on APPOINTED Secretary of Education

By Verlene B. DeWitt, 2nd Vice-Chairperson HCDP.

It’s a tough time for all teachers and students. They are concerned about covering the curriculum, grades, school safety, hurricanes, floods, etc. There is another issue that they might not even know about.

On this midterm election ballot, there is a constitutional amendment which would change the way the Secretary of Education is selected.

Currently, the SC Secretary of Education is elected by the people, but the amendment would take away the vote from the citizens and give the governor the right to appoint the Secretary of Education.

A large portion of the SC budget (about 37%) is for education. We should be concerned about who gets to choose the top position in education in our state and how the money is spent.

All residents: lifelong, new, retired, and those with school-age children, have an investment in all young people in SC. Democratic voters understand that limited preschool opportunities, higher class loads, fewer advanced courses and technology, lower teacher pay, and school safety concerns do not lead to the best education. SC is still home to the ‘Corridor of Shame’, the low performing and impoverished districts along I-95.

Please vote NO on the constitutional amendment to ensure that all of our students – rich/middle class/poor;  regardless of ethnic background; gifted/regular/special education – receive the education that they deserve.

What you will be voting on

Amendment 1: Must Section 7, Article VI of the Constitution of this state, relating to state constitutional officers, be amended so as to provide that beginning in January 2023, or upon a vacancy in the office of Superintendent of Education after the date of the ratification of the provisions of this paragraph, whichever occurs first, the Superintendent of Education must be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate; to provide that the appointed Superintendent of Education shall serve at the pleasure of the governor; and to require the General Assembly to provide by law for the duties, compensation, and qualifications for the office?

Explanation: A “Yes” vote will require the Superintendent of Education be appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate. A “No” vote maintains the current method of electing a Superintendent of Education.

Read more here.

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