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Your Freedom is on the Ballot

Your vote is a choice between Republican candidates who would restrict your rights and Democrats who want to protect those rights.

Black? Brown? LGBTQ+? Female? Disabled? YOUR rights are among those threatened.

Our Democratic Candidates stand ready to protect your freedoms.
  •  To control your own reproductive rights.
  •  To be safe at school, in the workplace, at church, or other public places by supporting sensible gun laws.
  •  To love and marry who you choose.
  •  To learn without manipulation of the facts regarding race or other important issues.
  •  To vote without undue restrictions designed to protect incumbents or a particular Party.
  •  For our children and grandchildren to live on a planet that can meet the needs of humankind.

Decide wisely. Don’t let the Republicans restrict your rights and take away your freedoms!

Vote DEMOCRAT on November 8th. Because now more than ever — your Freedoms are at stake.

»Click here to learn more about our Candidates

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