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Are You Ready To Run For Office?

Running for office is a serious step. It can be exhilarating and worthwhile – and hard on you, your family, and friends.

Here is a short list of questions for potential candidates:

Why do you want to run? What’s important to you? What you would work to change? Consider your strengths and how they make you a good candidate for a particular office.

What are the downsides? Consider the financial expense, loss of family time, invasion of privacy, and other realistic factors related to campaigning and serving. Are there any skeletons – financial or personal – in your closet?

Are you active and well-known in your community? Do you have experience in public service? Do you know the party and civic leaders to ask for political support?

Can you raise the necessary funds? Make a list of the first 100 people you would solicit for contributions. Are you willing to “make the ask”? If not, don’t run!

With thanks to the National Women’s Political Caucus

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