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A Call for Change: The Time for Democratic Representation in Horry County is Now

In the heart of South Carolina, Horry County stands at a crossroads of history and potential, a place where the echoes of a once loyally Democratic stronghold can still be faintly heard. Yet, today’s political landscape tells a different story—a story dominated by a single voice, with little room for the diverse chorus of views and values that truly represent our community. With every seat on the County Council currently held by Republicans, the need for a shift towards a more inclusive and representative governance has never been more critical.

The Democratic Party of Horry County is issuing a clarion call to all individuals who embody the values and aspirations of Democrats and those who believe in the principles of healthcare for all, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, educational advancement, and equality for every citizen. Our county’s very fabric is woven from these ideals, and it’s time our representation reflected this rich diversity.

Currently, the representation gap is wide, with critical voices and perspectives underrepresented. This year, as the terms of five councilmen draw to a close to an end on December 31, we stand before an unprecedented opportunity to chart a new course for Horry County. If no challengers emerge, these seats will default to their incumbents, further entrenching a monolithic view that has long since ceased to represent the entirety of our community’s needs and aspirations.

Consider the tenure of Councilman Gary Loftus of District 4, who has held his seat since 2009, alongside Harold Worley of District 1 and Al Allen of District 11, both serving since 2007. Their prolonged incumbency underscores a stagnation in our political dialogue, a silence where there should be a voice, a void where there should be diversity.


Dennis DiSabato

District 3
Term Expires:

Gary Loftus

Gary Loftus
District 4
Term Expires:

Cam Crawford

Cam Crawford
District 6
Term Expires:

R. Mark Causey

R. Mark Causey
District 9
Term Expires:

Danny Hardee

District 10
Term Expires:

Reflecting on our past, Horry County’s political alignment has shifted dramatically over the decades. From a staunchly Democratic bastion, where the 1936 election saw not a single vote for the Republican candidate, to its current Republican dominance, the political winds have shifted—but not necessarily aligned with the evolving values of our residents. Even as the county moved away from Democratic presidential candidates post-2000, the need for local Democratic leadership remains, highlighted by such an example as rescinding the Pride Month resolution in 2022—a decision that starkly contrasts with the values of acceptance and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Moreover, Horry County is witnessing an unprecedented surge in population, welcoming new residents in droves. With an estimated population of 417,281 in 2024, boasting a growth rate of 4.27% over the past year, it ranks as the fourth-largest county in South Carolina. This influx not only enriches the tax base but significantly diversifies the cultural and social landscape of our community. Such dynamic growth underscores the pressing need for representation that mirrors the evolving demographics and varied interests of our expanding population.

The time for change is now!

We cannot allow another election cycle to pass by unchallenged, to see our council seats automatically filled without a true contest of ideas. Horry County deserves representatives who stand for the values of all its citizens, who are willing to advocate for healthcare, rights, education, and equality.

This call to action is not just for potential candidates—it is a rallying cry for all who believe in the Democratic values of fairness, inclusivity, and progress. It’s time to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are ready to challenge the status quo and bring about the change Horry County and South Carolina so deeply needs.

The path forward is clear. We must mobilize, engage, and participate like never before! The Democratic Party of Horry County is here to support and guide those willing to step into the arena, to champion the causes that resonate with our community, and to ensure that every voice is heard, every vote counts.

Let’s reclaim our legacy as a place of diverse voices and values. Let’s work together to ensure that Horry County’s future is as bright and inclusive as its people deserve. The time for change is now, and it begins with us!

Seats on the 2024 Ballot – Run For Office

Candidate Filing Period closes noon, Monday, April 1. Any candidate seeking a political party’s nomination for any office in the 2024 General Election must file during this period.

Horry County Council

Districts: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10

»View Current Members of Horry County Council

Horry County Board of Education

Districts: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11

County Management Offices

Auditor, Clerk of Courts, Coroner, Sheriff, Treasurer

SC State House

All Districts

»View Current Members of the SC House

SC State Senate

All Districts

»View Current Members of the SC Senate

A list of filing fees, filing forms, and more information about candidate filing can be found at filing locations and online in the “Candidate Information” section of scVOTES.gov.

South Carolina Needs More Democrats!

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