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Our thanks to all who contributed to HCDP’s special campaign to raise money to post digital billboards targeting Sen. Lindsey Graham for his blind loyalty to President Trump.

We will have two billboards on Hwys 17 and 501 starting next Monday, Jan. 27, running for two weeks. We still need additional contributions for this initiative and to launch additional marketing efforts. Contributions can be made at

Here’s our press release announcing this campaign.

IMPEACHMENT: “Heed Your Words,” Horry Dems Advise Sen. Lindsey Graham

CONWAY, SC – The Horry County Democratic Party is calling on Sens. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott to consider all of the facts and stop Republican efforts to block witness testimony and consideration of relevant documents in the impeachment trial of President Trump.

While both of South Carolina’s senators need to faithfully fulfill their oath to be impartial jurors, HCDP is especially targeting Graham because of his role as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and his close relationship with Trump.

New digital billboards will appear on highways 17 on restaurant row and 501 at Tanger Outlets, beginning January 27 reminding Graham to heed his own words when he said on Feb. 17, 2016 on Fox News of Trump, “I think he’s unfit for office.”

In addition, HCDP has produced a video urging Graham to listen to the facts and not rush to judgement and acquit Trump for purely political reasons.

The video shows Graham on November 20, 1998, when as a Congressman he led the House of Representatives’ impeachment of President Bill Clinton. “Please allow the facts to do the talking,” he said. “Don’t decide the case before the case is in.”

But now, with his friend Trump, it’s another story. Just last week, Graham told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, “The best thing for the American people is to end this crap as quickly as possible, to have a trial in the Senate, bipartisan acquittal of the president. And on Feb. 4, when the president comes into the House chamber to deliver the State of the Union, he will have been acquitted by the Senate.”

The video can be seen here:

“What Sen. Graham needs to do is to settle down, exercise his responsibilities to impartially consider the facts, support a fair trial that provides an opportunity for relevant witnesses to be heard and pertinent documents to be considered, and then render a fair judgement,” said HCDP Chair Don Kohn. “Graham needs to heed his own words: ‘Don’t decide the case before the case is in.’”

(For information contact Bob Gatty, HCDP Director of Communications, at 843-790-3558).

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