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Call to Action

by Don Kohn, HCDP Chair.

The primary election season is now concluded and Democrats who voted have made their choices, nominating our slate of candidates to help carry our party in Horry County and the rest of the Palmetto State to victory on November 6.

Not in many years have Democrats had the opportunity for success as we do in 2018. And not in many years has it been so crucial that we all get busy, support our candidates to the best of our ability, and make certain that every Democrat votes in the fall general election.

Yes, some are disappointed because their chosen candidate did not win. This happens in every election where races are contested. But once the votes are counted, it is up to our party to close ranks behind our nominees and do everything possible to help them succeed.

The Republican-controlled state government is in shambles. Corruption is so rampant that even the final challenger to Gov. McMaster made cleaning that up a core component of his campaign. Our nominee, James Smith, is determined to clean house – to borrow from President Trump, “to drain the swamp.”

Of course, there is a big difference between Smith and Trump. The President has replaced solid, honorable effective Democrats at high levels of the government with sleazy, self-centered, cheating, arrogant officials – many of whom are bent on destroying the very departments and programs they are supposed to be leading.

Smith, on the other hand, will root out the corruption and the individuals responsible and replace them with honorable, effective people who are committed to serving the people of South Carolina, not themselves.

The governor’s race will be a major focus for HCDP, but we will be working hard for all of our state, county and local candidates up and down the ticket and we urge you to do the same.

Time to Pitch In

All of our candidates need help. They have begun reaching out to HCDP asking for campaign volunteers, and I urge you to consider taking this next step towards turning Horry County Blue. Here’s the contact information for each of the Democratic nominees:

 General Election Candidates – Nov 2018


  • James Smith: No snail mail
    Contact person: or
    Kendall Corley 843-212-8129

Secretary of State

Attorney General

State Treasurer

 Congress District 7 (Horry, Marion, Marlboro, Darlington, Florence, Chesterfield, Georgetown)

State House

  • Robin Gause, D106: 510 Fairwood Lakes Apt. 14C, Myrtle Beach 29588
  • Frank Lucas Atkinson, D57: PO Box 583, Marion, SC 29571
  • Jackie Hayes, D55: 240 Bermuda Rd, Dillon, SC 29536
  • Paul Morse, D58: 703 Johnson St, Conway 29527
  • Carl Anderson, D103:
    843-546-5332 (H): 843-520-6903 (C); 803-734-2993 (w)

County Council

  • Harold Phillips, D7: 8373 Ole Moore Dr., Conway, SC 29527
    843-397-1494 or 843-421-0963

School Board

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