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To The Point

Is God Still Speaking?

By Stefan Varner. The resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry was extremely disappointing as it omitted reference to many Americans who every day suffer the consequences of discrimination and bigotry – the LGBTQ community. The resolution, which was drafted and adopted following comments by first-year Rep. Ilhan Omar…

HCDP Commemorates Black History Month

Pictured above (left to right) Cedric Blain-Spain, Councilman Larry A. White, Nancy Anderson, Rev. Dr. Preston L. McKever-Floyd (seated) and Don Kohn. Horry County Democrats commemorated Black History Month on February 26 with two outstanding programs at the HCDP office in Conway. The first featured speaker was Veronica Gerald, assistant professor/director of the Joyner Institute at CCU. Don Kohn, HCDP…

Deepening the Quicksand of Payday Loans

By Bob Gatty. Demonstrating the true colors of the Trump administration, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has proposed rescinding rules for payday loans, car-title loans and small-dollar forms of credit, thus deepening the quicksand of such borrowing for desperate consumers. The agency’s action would kill a rule issued by the CFPB during the Obama administration to…

Protecting the DREAMers

There is legislation (H 3404) being proposed to allow the 6,400 people living in South Carolina as DACA recipients to have legal status. Introduced on January 8 and currently being reviewed by the SC House Judiciary Committee, the bill was introduced by Republican Neil Collins and has 16 co-sponsors from both parties. A companion bill (S0431) pending…
Carolina Forest Dems Kick into High Gear

Carolina Forest Dems Kick into High Gear

By Bob Gatty. Horry County Democratic Party Chair Don Kohn Wednesday night urged Carolina Forest Democrats to jump on board HCDP’s 2019-2020 voter registration campaign and actively participate in other party activities in preparation for the critically important 2020 elections. “Today is the beginning of the 2020 election cycle,” said Kohn, as he urged every Democrat to…
To The Point

The Hypocrisy of Tom Rice

By V. Susan Hutchinson. Tom Rice, the man representing the 7th Congressional district of South Carolina in the U.S. House of Representatives, is a hypocrite. In fact, his blatant political hypocrisy is on full display in two recent taxpayer financed newsletters emailed to constituents. One of these updates was posted Jan. 19, just before Martin Luther…