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Choosing Integrity Over Corporate Interests: Mal Hyman vs. Russell Fry in SC District 7

When you read the biographies of both of these candidates for US Congress District 7 you will see and feel the differences they bring to their campaigns.

Both are seeking your vote, BUT… Russell Fry did NOTHING to help SC in his first two years. Even the Loris Post Office that he made a big deal, was getting built whether he endorsed it or not.

Fry is an empty suit, who talks a good game but has trouble delivering. He voted NO on the Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act and the Ukraine funding Bill.

His campaign is primarily funded by commercial and corporate donations. Some of those donations come from companies as far away as Wyoming and North Dakota!

Why would some company in Wyoming be donating to a campaign in South Carolina?

That’s Russell Fry’s campaign. Funded by big business PAC’s and commercial enterprises to the tune of over $700,000, per Opensecrets.com! Why are these companies so intent on electing Fry to Congressional Dist. 7, (SC)?

Fry wants little or NO regulations! Let commercial enterprises just do the honor system with a free for all.

Mal Hyman on the other hand has not accepted any corporate donations. NONE! He would never jeopardize his integrity and moral character.

Russell Fry is more worried about the border and immigration, rather than supporting the Infrastructure Act that provided SC with over $2.1Billion for roads and bridges and over $85Million for clean water. And that’s just the first cut.

There’s more to come. By the way FRY didn’t support the Bi-partisan Immigration Bill that would’ve curbed the craziness at the Southern Border because Trump said “NO” to it!

Russell Fry also voted AGAINST that Federal Funding Resolution.

May Hyman SUPPORTS that Infrastructure Bill and will make sure SC receives its fair share of those funds.

Russell Fry says Social Security and Medicare could be in trouble.

May Hyman says we must save Social Security and expand Medicare. Just remove the ceiling on SS and Medicare contributions so that those wealthy folks contribute their fair share, that will bring $$ billions to the Social Security Trust Fund and extend the life of that program infinitely.

Fry thinks public funds should be used for PRIVATE SCHOOLS. He voted to approve the SC school voucher in 2022 as a SC Assemblymen.

Mal Hyman wants to increase funding for public education and include universal childcare and universal healthcare as part of the process.

It’s an easy choice. Vote someone who is looking out for big corporations or someone who is looking out for the common family.

Go to malhyman.com and volunteer or donate to make a difference.

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