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How to Vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary

Many voters ask, “How do I vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary”? Well, we have put together this FAQ page to answer that question and more.

This FAQ page will enable you to locate your polling place, inform you of important dates, list the documentation you will need to register, and tell you where to register.

It is important to have your South Carolina Driver License on hand before proceeding.

What is the last day I can register to vote in the Primary?

May 11 is the last day to register to vote in person if you want to vote in the June 12 primary.

When is Primary day?

Primary day is June 12, 2018

How old do I have to be to vote?

You are eligible to vote if you will be 18 years old on or before election day, November 6, 2018. You may also vote in the primary even if you are not yet 18. You must be registered to vote thirty days before the primary to vote in the primary.

In addition, teens aged 16 and 17 can apply to become paid junior poll managers, with online or in-person training.

When should I register to vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary?

You must register at least 30 days before voting in a primary or general election. May 11 is the last day to register (in person) / May 13 (online) to vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary.

Where and how can I register to vote?

The easiest way to register to vote is at, where you may register to vote through May 13. A driver’s license is required to register online.

Registration by Mail: Any voter registration by mail application that is postmarked Monday, May 14 or earlier will be accepted.

Online Voter Registration: Any online voter registration application submitted by Sunday, May 13, by 11:59 p.m. will be accepted.

Applications submitted by fax or email. Any faxed or emailed application received by county voter registration offices by Sunday, May 13 will be accepted (application must be received by 11:59 p.m. May 13).

In-person applications at county voter registration offices: Voters must register in person no later that 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 11, unless county board holds weekend hours (check locally).

You may also register to vote in-person at the Election Commission at 1515 Fourth Avenue, Conway, and by mail, fax or email. Details are at and Horry County Voters Registration and Elections department.

Voter Information Request

Get your FREE permanent voter ID.

The Election Commission provides a free permanent photo ID for voters. You must apply for it in person at the Election Commission at 1515 Fourth Avenue, Conway. This ID is good as long as you live in SC, provided you update your address if you move. It is considered the “gold standard” for voter identification and the best ID to use to vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary.

Can I register to vote when getting my Driver License?

While you can register to vote while getting or renewing your driver’s license, however, you may or may not receive your voter registration card before the primary.  You need the card to determine your precinct and to be certain you are on the voter rolls.

What do I do if I can’t find my blue voter card?

If you do not have or cannot find your blue voter registration card, check to make sure you are registered.

How to verify if you are already registered.

Even if you have already registered to vote, make sure your address is up-to-date at or by calling the Election Commission at (843) 915-5440.

Where can I find my Polling Place.

Please visit Horry County Polling Places page to find your precinct name, location, and address.

What can I do if I can’t vote on election day?

If you are unable to vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary on the day of the primary or the election due to a variety of reasons (see below), you can vote in-person absentee at the Election Commission starting on May 12. If you prefer a mail-in absentee ballot, it must be witnessed by someone. If not witnessed, the mail-in absentee ballot will not be counted.

While you can vote provisionally under some circumstances, you must appear in person on a set date and time to defend your ballot. If you don’t show up, your vote will not be counted.

By when must mail-in ballots be requested?

Mail-in ballots must be requested by June 8. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by 7:00 p.m. on election day.

Persons qualified to vote by absentee ballot:

  1. Members of the Armed Forces or Merchant Marine serving outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them (Military & Overseas Citizens information)
  2. Persons serving with the American Red Cross or with the United Service Organizations (USO) who are attached to and serving with the Armed Forces outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  3. Overseas Citizens (Military & Overseas Citizens information)
  4. Persons who are physically disabled
  5. Students attending school outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  6. Persons who for reasons of employment will not be able to vote on election day
  7. Government employees serving outside their county of residence on Election Day and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  8. Persons who plan to be on vacation outside their county of residence on Election Day
  9. Persons serving as a juror in state or federal court on Election Day
  10. Persons admitted to the hospital as emergency patients on Election Day or within a four-day period before the election
  11. Persons with a death or funeral in the family within three days before the election
  12. Persons confined to a jail or pre-trial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial
  13. Persons attending sick or physically disabled persons
  14. Certified poll watchers, poll managers, and county election officials working on Election Day
  15. Persons sixty-five years of age or older
  16. Persons who for religious reasons do not want to vote on a Saturday (Presidential Primaries Only)

Contribution By Barbara J. Sloan

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