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New Campaign Theme Announced by HCDP

By Bob Gatty

In preparation for the critically important campaign through the 2020 election, the Horry Democratic Party has chosen “Take a Stand” as the theme that will be used for its advertising, marketing, voter registration, candidate support and fundraising initiatives.

“We believe that ‘Take a Stand’ concisely and effectively expresses exactly what Horry County Democrats and those who support our principles and views must do if we are to achieve success in the upcoming critically important local, county, state and national election,” explained HCDP Chair Don Kohn.

“We all must be engaged, not be passive. We must take action and we must strongly support our Democratic policies, platform and candidates. This goes for everything we do; every action we take,” he said.

Registering Voters

A primary objective through the election is to register as many Democratic voters as possible, and then make certain that those voters actually cast their ballots on election day.

“One big way that we can ‘Take a Stand,’” Kohn stressed, is to register ourselves, register our friends and neighbors, and then to vote for the candidates of our choice.”

The days of Horry County being a Republican stronghold are over, declared Kohn, who pointed out that the constant influx of new residents into the Grand Strand is bringing large numbers of new voters who have traditionally aligned themselves with the Democratic Party.

In addition, he said, there are many, many voters who believe in Democratic Party principles of fairness, equality, affordable healthcare, better paying jobs and improved public education, but who have stayed on the sidelines believing their vote would not matter.

“They are mistaken,” said Kohn. “Those votes DO matter. But if those voters don’t show up at the polls, then those votes are lost. Those voters, too, must ‘Take a Stand’.”

Raising Funds

Another important way that we can “Take a Stand” is to support HCDP’s fundraising campaign, which will have several key components, including an ongoing, general appeal for contributions directly to HCDP, the upcoming June 29 Senator Dick Elliott Memorial Golf Outing, a special Bowling Tournament on May 6, and the annual SHORE Dinner on September 28, 2019.

Funds raised through HCDP’s “Take a Stand” fundraising initiative will be used to promote Democratic values, support our candidates and our position on important issues through multiple means of communications, including paid advertising on radio, TV, billboards, in newspapers and social media.

Our website is an important resource for promoting HCDP and Democratic values. It provides constant updates on local, county, state and national issues. While much of the work on the website and our social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is performed by talented and dedicated volunteers, there still are costs associated with this work that is crucial to promoting our issues and concerns.

For a discussion of those issues, please click here. For HCDP’s detailed issue papers, please click here.

“Remember, if you want to see change in the way our government is run, you need to register to vote. You need to vote, support our candidates and contribute financially,” stressed Kohn. “In other words,” he said, “We all need to ‘Take a Stand’.”

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