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Precinct Reorganization: Officers Elections, but Much, Much More!

 by Nancy Anderson.

In addition to electing precinct officers, delegates and county party officers on March 24, this gathering of Democrats from around the county at the Academy for Technology and Academics will have the opportunity to propose resolutions, to learn more about county clubs and committees, to meet Democratic candidates, and to fellowship with one another over lunch.

RESOLUTIONS: Before attending reorganization, Democrats should begin thinking about issues of local, regional and state importance which they would like our party to address. During precinct meetings, there will be opportunities to discuss, develop and record resolutions, which will be compiled for presentation and voting at the county convention. Resolutions passed by our county convention delegates will be forwarded to the state party for consideration by the state resolutions committee. Those resolutions supported by the state committee will appear on the slate of resolutions presented at the state convention in April.

HCDP CLUBS AND COMMITTEES: All clubs and committees of the Horry County Democratic Party have been invited to set up exhibits to promote their activities and accomplishments, and to do fundraising for their group if they wish. This is a great opportunity to sign up for a club or join an issue committee. In this enormous county, the size of Rhode Island, clubs offer the chance for Democrats in each part of the county to gather in small groups to plan and staff area voter outreach efforts, to interact with candidates informally, and to socialize with like-minded people. HCDP supports a number of important committees including voter protection, public relations, gun sense, LGBT, Narcon accessibility, and volunteer. HCDP clubs and committees are looking forward to recruiting new members at this event.

CANDIDATES: Statewide candidates from governor to down ballot races will be invited to attend and speak at our precinct reorganization and county convention event. Congressional candidates and candidates for Horry County offices will also be invited. Horry County Democrats will not want to miss this chance to hear and interact with our future leaders. HCDP activists will be able to volunteer with the various campaigns and acquire campaign literature and swag.

LUNCH: The Academy for Technology and Academics is in a rural area with no eating establishments nearby, so participants will need to plan to bring their lunch or purchase lunch from our caterer. Be sure to stay for lunch to hear from and mingle with our candidates before the convention begins in the afternoon. Additional lunch details, including menu and cost, will be available closer to the event.

Building for Success Begins Here!

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