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Voter Registration & Protection News Briefing

Horry County Democratic Chair, Don Kohn is urging all Democrats to register to vote, sign up other voters, and then to vote in all upcoming elections through 2020.

In a news briefing at the Horry County Voter Registration office March 12, Kohn pointed out that South Carolina ranks near the bottom of the 50 states in health care, good paying jobs with benefits and education. “Yet, the same politicians are reelected, regularly,” he said.

“So, get out to vote. In every election, not just Presidential elections,” urged Kohn. “There will be town council elections in November, in 2020 a Presidential primary in February, a primary for state and county offices in June, and then the Presidential election in November 2020.”

Joined by active members of HCDP, Kohn spoke at the party’s “March in March” briefing, commemorating Martin Luther King’s speech in Kingstree, SC in 1966, using the theme of “March to the Ballot Boxes.”

“Let’s remember that many people dedicated their lives to the right to vote and some gave their lives,” said Kohn. “Rev King asked the assembled to register to vote, to vote in all elections and to get 10 other people to register to vote. He saw voting as the way forward for social and economic justice, for better education, and for freedom and respect.”

HCDP’s chair acknowledged that some people don’t vote because they believe it doesn’t make a difference or because politicians don’t listen.

“When we get every voter in Horry County registered and to the polls to vote – I guarantee you that we can win and the politicians will listen to us,” he said.

Kohn urged everyone to join in HCDP’s drive to each register 10 people monthly through the 2020 election, and offered this advice for voters:

  • Update Your Registration and Check Your Address Periodically – DMV registration is not always successful and people who don’t vote regularly can be deactivated. Inaccurate address information will be a problem on election day.
  • Get a SC Permanent Voter Photo ID. It never expires.
  • Before you vote, Check your polling place.
  • People who vote Mail-In Absentee Ballots must have a witness signature on the ballot. This is a major reason for a ballot to be disallowed.
  • There are 16 reasons to be able to vote In-Person Absentee in the month before election day. If you are eligible, state the reason that applies to you and sign. That’s it. Some reasons include being over 65 years of age, if you will be away on election day, if you have to work or have
  • responsibilities that keep you from the polls on election day.
  • 17 year old, who will be 18 by election day can register during the year of election and can vote in primary elections.
  • Former Felons who are no longer incarcerated and have completed their sentence, including probation, parole and restitution can vote. If previously registered, reregister, otherwise register. Completed your sentence, including probation, parole and restitution.
  • If you tried to vote, but could not – speak to one of our people.
  • If you go to the polls and you are told that you cannot vote, request a Provisional Ballot.

For more information, please visit or You can also call HCDP’s office at (843)488-4237 for information.

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