HCDP has put together this checklist so every voter will be sure their vote gets counted for the 2020 General Election. Familiarizing yourself with the voting procedure in advance will help keep the lines moving and result in a less stressful voting experience.
A video is available on online for those unfamiliar with the new voting…
Absentee Voting In Horry County
The Horry County Democratic Party would like to remind everyone that there are four in-person absentee voting locations open this election year. Voters can cast their ballots at any of these locations, during opening hours, through November 2, 2020.
Photo ID is required to vote at all of these locations. It…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
When women, or men were suspected of being witches in the 16th and 17th centuries, they were subjected to ordeal by water. The theory was that if the accused witch was thrown into a body of water, they would sink if innocent or float if guilty of witchcraft. Floaters had renounced…
By Bob Gatty
Republicans are accusing the Democrats of planning to "pack" the Supreme Court with liberal judges if Joe Biden sends Donald Trump to the showers, but in reality it is the Republicans who are doing the packing.
In the process, they are demonstrating to the American people their desperation to act on Trump's nomination…
By Bob Gatty
Our nation has been afflicted with a racial divide that’s grown deeper over the past four years since the election of President Donald J. Trump, whose rhetoric and actions have deliberately stoked racial fear as he has labeled himself the “law and order” president.
Trump knows that reinforcing racial stereotypes rooted in white…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
On September 18 American women, as well as the rest of the United States, were saddened by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg fought against gender discrimination her entire life and was the one of the greatest advocates for women’s rights since Eleanor Roosevelt. Ruth Bader Ginsburg had…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
Dear Joe:
Your campaign appears to be going rather well. It looks like the polling is in your favor and unless you make a major mistake, you may be on your way to victory. At this point, you might even be able to say all the things you wanted to say to…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
Someone needs to come up with a new word to describe Donald Trump. We have exhausted all of the current ones used to describe a person of non-existent integrity and class. One that reflects how completely devoid of a soul Donald Trump really is. Sociopath doesn’t begin to describe him.
The first presidential…
Above Photo of Melissa Watson by Mark Gaier
By Bob Gatty
“This country is worth fighting for.”
Those were the words of Melissa Watson, Democratic challenger to U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC-7), at the Hon. John R. Lewis “Good Trouble” Drive Up and Virtual Stump on Saturday, September 26, in Conway.
Also speaking at the Conway event,…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
The South Carolina Republican Party is now actively jumping on the Donald Trump bandwagon claiming violent, radical liberals are wreaking havoc across the county. And now, they claim, the violence has come to South Carolina and is aimed solely at Republicans.
According to a newsletter they sent this week, they tell their…
By Steve Hamelman, et al.
This is the second of two articles explaining the basics of the registration process and voting options available to South Carolinians, with a focus on voters in Horry County.
The first purpose of these two articles is to distill information from the main resource for voters in South Carolina—the South Carolina…
Above Photo: Melissa Watson, candidate for South Carolina 7th Congressional District
For Immediate Release
September 21, 2020
V. Susan Hutchinson
HCDP Co-Director of Communications
The Horry County Democratic Party invites area residents to hear local Democratic candidates speak at the Hon. John R. Lewis “Good Trouble” Drive Up and Virtual Stump on Saturday, September 26, 2020. The event…
By David Higham
Horry County Council continues area’s mask mandate: The county council voted 7-5 on September 15 against ending the county’s emergency mask mandate. Under the county’s policy, those entering businesses are required to wear face coverings while inside those establishments. Masks may be removed to receive certain…
HCDP has been collecting new and gently used books for the past couple of months and the time has come to bring the book fair to a close. During the final 2 weeks we have lowered the price to $1 each. That's $1 for hardcover or paperback!
The Book Fair is usually part of our annual…
Bennie Swans, former Horry County Democratic Party Chair, passed away Saturday, September 19, after a lengthy illness.
Swans, who lived in the Myrtle Beach community of Carolina Forest, served as HCDP Chair from March, 2016 to March, 2018. It was two years of progress and rejuvenation for the Party.
“My sincere condolences to Marcella and Bennie's family,”…
The death of The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg yesterday leaves a deep chasm on the United States Supreme Court. The American people have lost one of their most ardent supporters of equal rights; especially women’s rights.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, rejected for a clerkship early in her career because she was a woman, went on to co-found…
Editor’s Note: The video presentation entitled Trump, Neo-Fascism, and the State of Democratic Resistance is intended for both liberal voters with a democratic sensibility and conservative voters who are concerned with our next president’s honesty, compassion, and integrity. The presentation takes a close look at President Trump’s rhetoric and activity.
By Jeremy Holland
Many scholars now…
By Rick Patelunas
Tom Rice’s recent op-ed calling for his and President Trump’s reelection ends by saying they will show what a “Land of Opportunity” looks like. Of course, Rice asks everyone to ignore the Republican debacle during the pandemic crisis when he says he wants to return to the good old days of six months…
By Herb Roselle
There is a wave of nationalism sweeping the U.S. Its manifestations are omnipresent. The flag is revered, and the Constitution is of no account. The military and police are paramount, and the individual citizen is secondary. The church is central and seeks to have a place as part of government.
These interests are…
By V. Susan Hutchinson
Black Lives Matter. Words that inspire, encourage, empower and enrage. Black Lives Matter. Say all three words, not just the acronym BLM so as not to dilute their power.
Black Lives Matter elicits reactions the likes of which have not been felt since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke the words “I…