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Maga-Inspired Drive To Ban Books Deemed Objectionable In Horry County Public School Libraries

The MAGA-inspired drive to ban books deemed objectionable in Horry County public school libraries appears to be gaining steam and opponents of such censorship are urged to let school board members know of their concerns. Julinna Oxley, professor of philosophy at Coastal Carolina University, told the Carolina Forest Democratic Club Tuesday, Sept. 12 that the censorship…

Robertson: Horry, Black Voters Key to 2020

By Bob Gatty Horry County and the turnout of African American voters throughout the state will be the key to Democrats carrying South Carolina in 2020, predicts state Democratic Party Chairman Trav Robertson. “There is something happening in South Carolina,” declared Robertson as he addressed the sold-out 2019 HCDP SHORE Dinner Sept. 28. “I’m here to tell you…

Help For Potential Democratic Political Candidates In Horry County

The Horry County Democratic Party has compiled valuable information for individuals who are interested in pursuing a candidacy as a Democratic candidate in Horry County, South Carolina. This information encompasses various details and guidelines that potential candidates need to be aware of when considering running for office within the Democratic Party in Horry County. It…