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Let’s Find a Way to Come Together

by Bennie Swans. Chairman HCDP I want to reprint here the first part of the Sports Illustrated article announcing that former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick had been selected to receive the SI Muhammad Ali Legacy Award for 2017: Colin Kaepernick made his truth known when he first decided not to stand for the national anthem. He…

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

by Bennie Swans. Chairman, HCDP Editor’s Note:  As previously announced, we’re starting a weekly blog, and this is the first edition. From January 12-15, we will commemorate a singular moment in the history of our great country – the 55-year anniversary of the famous March on Washington when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his famous “I Have…

The GOP Tax Scam:  Don’t Be Fooled by the Confusion

by Rick Patelunas. Now that both House and Senate have passed bills vastly changing America’s tax system, slashing taxes for corporations and the wealthy with a pittance to low and middle-income taxpayers, lawmakers must now get together in conference committee to iron out the differences between their differing tax bills. Republicans contend the differences are not…

Our New Blog – Welcome!

Welcome to a new weekly feature, To the Point, our new blog. With so many important developments taking place that impact our lives and our future, we’ll use this space to comment and offer perspective from the Democratic point of view. Check in regularly and bookmark it to stay up-to-date – and let us know what you…

Kids at Risk

by Bob Gatty. While the Republicans who control Congress are obsessed with shoving a fake tax cut bill down our throats, millions of low income children are in danger of losing health care coverage because the politicians haven't found the time -- or the money -- to extend the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Now many states are…

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Marketplace Enrollment has Begun! Be Insured. Enroll Now. Don’t Delay

by Nancy Anderson. The marketplace enrollment period for health insurance started on November 1 and ends on December 15. The Trump administration slashed the sign-up period in half and cut the advertising budget to the bone, so HCDP is working to get the word out to South Carolinians. Who should enroll? Anyone who does not have health insurance…

Let Your Voice be Heard on Taxes!

We’re all wondering exactly what Trump’s and the Republican “tax reform” bill will look like when it is finally presented on Wednesday, November 1. We’ll have lots of questions, and careful consideration of the bill will be important to all Americans and every citizen of South Carolina, no matter what the party affiliation. It’s up to…

Getting the Shaft

by Bob Gatty. President Trump and Republicans in Congress are pushing through a federal budget resolution designed to provide the money needed to support the new tax reform package they say will provide the biggest tax cut in the nation's history. The problem is that it gives the shaft to lower and middle-income Americans, especially the poor…

ACA and Medicare

submitted by Joan Sloane. Medicare recipients, did you know? The Affordable Care Act has also been benefiting you! The Affordable Care Act, in addition to helping millions of Americans, has also provided Medicare recipients with many no-cost preventive benefits. Certain services may now be completely covered for Medicare beneficiaries; this includes, but isn't limited to: **Abdominal aortic aneurysm screenings **…