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Horry County Democrats Announce Annual Fundraising Appeal

As the Horry County Democratic Party builds for success in 2018 and beyond, I urge you to be part of our effort to elect progressive candidates who will work to serve the people, not big money special interests, by supporting our annual fundraising appeal.

Building for Success – HCDP Annual Fundraising Appeal

Each day brings new challenges from the current administration, from flagrant ethical lapses, assaults on Constitutional processes, environmental travesties, and increasing global isolationism. All of that has helped to generate a massive blue wave – a tsunami – that is sweeping the nation.

In response to the current administration’s efforts to repeal progressive policies enacted during Barack Obama’s presidency, HCDP has grown in ways we could only imagine just a few years ago. We have attracted new volunteers who energize us with their passion, experience and talents. All of that is reflected in the work we do as we reach out to voters in every corner of our county.

Weekly homegrown blogs, timely articles and relevant videos on our website and social media help inform the public and activists alike about our concerns, and encourage additional newcomers to volunteer with us.

Together, we are addressing local environmental issues, sensible gun legislation, voter protection, immigration, and racial, gender, economic, and health disparities. Together, our ‘veteran’ team of Horry Democrats and our new volunteers are visible members of our communities at festivals, parades, vigils and on social media.

Indeed, we are growing, and our voice is being heard like never before. But there is much more to be done if we are to turn back the Republican tide that has engulfed Horry County for so many years.

Register and Vote

While we can and must push back against the regressive GOP agenda, it is critical that Horry County Democrats register and that we turn out our voters in 2018, not only for the 7th Congressional race, but also for the state house and local races.

We are heartened by Democratic victories elsewhere in 2017, and are determined to be part of the 2018 blue tsunami by delivering electoral successes here at home. We have a strong group of Democratic candidates whose presence in significant races means our voices will be heard by voters who are eager for progressive ideas and alternatives.

Annual HCDP Fundraising Appeal

Our agenda requires all of us to contribute our time, talents and financial resources so the Horry County Democratic Party can be competitive now and in the future. Building for success began at our recent precinct reorganization and county convention.

Your financial contribution ensures local Democrats will have the tools we need to support our candidates and our community initiatives, as we all work towards a bluer South Carolina. Giving a one time or recurring donation is as easy as clicking on the ‘donate’ button at the top right of this page.

Thank you for your donation and your support of HCDP. It’s time to turn Horry County blue!

Don Kohn, Chair

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